Saturday, August 20, 2011

National Property Board - Sweden

It looks like it will be an interesting autumn. I've been invited to present a seminar on interpretation to the National Property Board of Sweden. They're responsible for the palaces, royal parks, embassies, wild nature and historical buildings in Sweden. I will be doing the seminar for them at the end of September. You can visit their web site at:

Lakeshore Museum Center Training

We completed our 3-day workshop with the Lakeshore Museum Staff/interpreters and what a great group. At the end of the workshop the final presentations included staff trying their hand at 2nd and 1st person historical interpretation - and did they excell. With an average score of 95% on the course post test, and outstanding presentations, the staff at the Lakeshore Museum diserve a standing ovation. Here are some photos - including a depression era housewife talking about the challenging times of the depression, and meeting a "hobo" who talked about losing his job and being on the searh for work while his family stayed with relatives - and outstanding presentation.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

UK Association for Heritage Interpretation Annual Conference

I am honored to have been asked to provide a keynote presentation at the upcoming Association for Heritage Interpretation annual conference to be held in Huby (near York, UK) from 19-21 October 2011. The theme for the conference is "Interpretation - A survival guide" - My presentation will look at ways heritage sites can generate more new and repeat visitation using innovative interpretive planning and marketing strategies. Working smarter, not harder.
For more information on the conference and AHI, visit their web site at Hope you can make it - should be an important conference.

Habit-Change Workshop in Slovenia

I have been invited to present several workshop sessions for the Habit-Change workshop in October to be held at Triglav National Park in Slovenia. My sessions will focus on developing climate change exhibits for National Park exhibitions. Habit-Change is an international organization dedicated to the adaptation of management in protected areas related to climate change issues. You can visit Habit-Change at: