Tuesday, November 18, 2014

November Update

Time sure did go fast since my past post.  Been busy with updating my web site: www.heritageinterp.com, and got two new books written.  Advanced Interpretive Planning, and The Interpretive Trails Book.  The Advanced IP text book will be out in late November, and the Trails book in December.  On a personal note I will be receiving the National Association for Interpretation Fellow Award for 2014 - thanks to everyone who nominated me for that wonderful award.  To keep current on new projects and activities check my web site as that is always updated - I keep forgeting about the blog. :)   By the way, check out details about my 2015 Interpretive Master Planning Course in Wales. (photo from past IMP course).

Sunday, June 8, 2014

June 2014 Interpretive Updates

  Hi folks.  It has been a while, so time to catch up on what's been happening over the past few months.  First, last month I was honered to receive the Professional Distinguished Interpreter award from Region 4 - NAI.  Thanks to NAI for that wonderful honor and for a great conference.  I am completing several interpretive plans for The Metro Parks of the Toledo Area, and was invited to be a keynote speaker for a interpretation conference in Mexico City.  We also just finishsed our Army Corps of Engineers Interpretive Services 4-day course this past week. I am still working with Prof. Ju-hee Lee from Deagu University in Korea on planning/designing a 5-year interpretive training program for the National Arboretums of Korea.  InterpNEWS, our internationala heritage interpretation e-magazine is now received by over 150,000 interpreters, agencies and organizations in 26 countries.  I also updated my web site and got an additional web address: www.interpretation.expert.  And finally received my recertification for Certified Interpretive Planner.  Start working on the Interpretive Systems Plan for Toledo Metroparks, and we have two proposals in for some huge interpretive planning/training projects in India with my UK partner Heritage Destination Consultating.
More later... hope you are enjoying summer.  jv

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

February Update

  Hi folks.  It has been a while but time to catch up.  Just completed our January Interpretive Services Course for the US Army Corps of Engineers, with two more training courses to go between now and June.  We also have several new projects with Metroparks of the Toledo Area for interpretive planning, and doing an Interpretive Graphics Standards for the Chessie Circle Trail (a rails-to-trail project in the Toledo area). Still trying to sort out web site problems that I can't access since they changed servers.  We also finished our Cape May NWR interpretive plan in MD.  The new issue of InterpNEWS (March/April) will go out in a few weeks too.  So stay in touch and I will try to do the same.  JV

Saturday, January 18, 2014

2014 Undates

Hi folks.  Looks like 2014 will be a busy year.  We have several projects going on with Metroparks of the Toledo Area including two park interpretive plans.  I will be teaching a 4-day interpretive training course for the US Army Corps of Engineers at the end of January, and we will be developing an Interpretive Graphics Standards for the Chessie Circle Trail (a rails-to-trail project).

My web site host had changed servers and I am having problems accessing it on the new servier so will be working on getting it set on the new system.

I have been included in a new book from MuseumsEtc. - more on that later.  We finished up the Interpretive Plans for Falmouth Historic District in VA, and the Interpretive Plan section for the US Fish and Wildlife Service Cape May National Wildlife Reserve.  Photo form our 2013 COE Interpretive Training Course.
Many new projects on the horizon - I will try to keep up with this better :)  - JV

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

September Update

Hi folks,
It has been a busy month.  Recent issue of InterpNEWS was sent out (Sep-Oct Issue) and I am working on the Nov-Dec issue.  Just got back for Wales, UK from teaching a 4-day Interpretive Master Planning Course and it looks like I will be in India at the end of September to give a keynote presentation at an interpretation conference.  In the meantime, more work with Metroparks of the Toledo Area, Falmouth Historic District Interpretive Plan, and USFWS Cape May Visitor Services Plan.  Phew.   A few Pics  - The cover for the Sep/Oct issue, and our Interpretive Master Planning Course group photo (Sept. 2013).

Monday, July 8, 2013

Catching up


It's been a few months - just been busy.  I had heart valve surgery on June 11th and still in the process of re-hab and resting.  Have 3 more weeks of re-hab work to do but getting back to work slowly this week.  This was quite an experience that I will have to "interpret" some time.  Other news - still working on projects with MetroParks of the Toledo Area (Prospect MetroPark Interpretive Plan) and will be starting a new project with them for the Chesie Circle Trail Interpretive Plan (an 11-mile rails to trails project).  Also still working on the Falmouth Historic District IP, and the Cape May NWR interpretive plan.

My international heritage interpretation e-magazine InterpNEWS now has over 5000 readers in 24 countries.  Subscriptions are free - just send me your e-mail (jvainterp@aol.com) and I will add you to the list and send you the current issue. Here is the cover for the upcoming Sep/Oct 2013 issue.
That's about it - JV

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Falmouth VA Historic District and Hayward Shoreline Interpretive Center

  It ths been a busy start for the month.  Last week I was in Falmouth, VA starting work on the Falmouth Historic District Interpretive Plan.  The photos of the brick building shows one of the buildings from Colonial times.
Then on to San Francisco to work on an interpretive exhibit concept plan for the Hayward Shoreline Interpretive Center - a very large salt marsh with important environmental stories to tell and illustrate. The photo shows a general salt marsh seen.  All in all a busy but enjoyable week.