Friday, February 15, 2013

February Update

Hi folks.  Here is the Feb. update.  InterpNEWS, my new international heritage interpretation e-magazine now has over 3000 readers in 22 countries.  The photo on the left will be the cover photo for the May/June issue (know what it shows)?  New updates, just finished the first of three Corps of Engineer Ranger interpretive 4-day training courses in Huntsville, AL.  The first week of March I will be in San Francisco working with the Hayward Nature Center on Interpretive Exhibit Planning.  And yesterday we were notified that we were awarded with our team headed my Management Analysis Inc. of Virginia, the Visitor Services Management Plan project for Cape May National Wildlife Refuge.  On Monday I have meetings with Toledo Metro Parks looking at some interpretive master planning projects.  Looks like a busy spring. :)